Sunday, April 12, 2009

after a long hiatus..

Ok so I get it now- a little bit of procrastination can soon add up and keep you away from blogging for days and days on. A mental note registered in my mind- write something here twice a week at least.

Oh, btw, did I tell you about the two contradicting inner selves of mine? Well, like most of us, I hear two voices from within- a positive one which basically says- "you rock dude!" and the other self doubting, cynical one which always seems to say - "Umm. Are you sure you can pull it off?". For eg. right now I am telling myself - "Make it a point to blog here, whatever it may be" I say to myself and pat comes the reply from the cynical self - "who reads your blog anyway?". :)

Anyway, one more decision I have taken now it so write something more worthwhile on this blog. As you might have noticed I have written more about my personal outbursts and opinions. And as the famous cliche goes- "opinions are like you-know-what holes", now I plan to write some unpredictable stuff. Like what?. Umm, I haven't really thought much but I guess there will be some tidbits about technology, book reviews, etc.

Back to work now. Sigh.

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